Avoiding Winter Break Burnout

Bundle Benefits
2 min readDec 23, 2020

Winter break is upon us and let’s face it — things are just different this year. Sure, kids are still getting a break from school but not much else is the same. The usual large family gatherings, annual office party and school recitals have all been postponed. This also means that winter break playdates and family vacations probably aren’t happening. And, unlike during summer break, when the great outdoors provided endless hours of entertainment, kids are stuck indoors, waiting for something to do.

Here are our Bundle tips for ensuring that a safe and happy break is had by all:

Schedule, schedule, schedule

Keeping the kiddos on some sort of schedule, albeit relaxed, is a great way to ensure that utter chaos doesn’t erupt in your house. Series Breaks through Bundle are a great way to do this. Kids can learn a new skill or work on one in a fun and educational setting. We offer a wide variety of breaks- like mad science, creative writing, and LEGO building. There’s a break that fits every child’s interests.

Let the kids pick

Instead of driving yourself up the wall trying to brainstorm activities that are fun or won’t make a huge mess, let the kids tell you what they want to do. This gives you a break from the constant planning and preparations and allows the kids to practice making their own schedule of activities.

Recharge in ways that fill your cup

Winter vacation gives your kids a break from school, and it means that your days are busier than ever trying to keep everyone fed, happy, and entertained. But, you can’t be an engaged caregiver, partner, or employee if you’re constantly running on empty. Treat yourself in whatever way feels right. Maybe that means saving a few holiday treats to eat after bedtime, ordering takeout two nights in a row to avoid dishes, or just sitting the kids down in front of the TV for an hour so you can email in peace. Whatever helps you recharge your mental batteries.

Remembering others in our community

Giving back is one of the most proven ways to increase happiness and wellbeing, and helping those less fortunate or who are struggling is yet another way to honor the season’s spirit. Encourage your family to talk about some of the issues our communities may be struggling with, and how you can help. Planning some activities around the solutions you and your family discussed will give your kids something productive and helpful to-do while helping them be more mindful about their communities.



Bundle Benefits

We provide organizations with live virtual sessions that make happy, healthy, and productive employees.